Downloads only from this site.
Updates Posted
04/04/2012: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2012-095-v10-server Network).
03/30/2012: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2012-090-v10-server Network).
02/23/2012: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2012-054-v10-server Network).
02/13/2012: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2012-044-v10-server Network).
02/10/2012: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2012-041-v10-server Network).
01/07/2012: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2012-007-v10-server Network).
12/29/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-363-v10-server Network).
12/26/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
(minor change to 12/22/2011 Transact file - no change in download file
12/22/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-356-v10-server Network).
12/02/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-336-v10-server Network).
11/30/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-334-v10-server Network).
11/26/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-330-v10-server Network).
11/08/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-312-v10-server Network).
09/23/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-260-v10-server Network).
09/05/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-248-v10-server Network).
07/15/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-196-v10-server Network).
07/12/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-193-v10-server Network).
06/30/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-181-v10-server Network).
04/20/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-120-v10-server Network).
04/17/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-107-v10-server Network).
04/14/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-104-v10-server Network).
04/13/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-103-v10-server Network).
04/12/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-102-v10-server Network).
04/08/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-098-v10-709-1041-server Network).
03/30/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-089-v10-709-server Network).
03/26/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-084-v10-709-server Network).
03/05/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website
Standalone, 2011-063-v10-server Network).
02/10/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website (2011-039-v10 Standalone, 2011-039-v10-server Network).
02/04/2011: 6-in-1 update posted on website (2011-034-v10 Standalone, 2011-034-v10-server Network).
04/04/2012: 6-in-1
NY IT-205 e-file updated (with approval from the
NY Department of Taxation)
03/30/2012: 6-in-1
NY IT-205 e-file included
02/23/2012: 6-in-1
Miscellaneous. Details to follow
02/13/2012: 6-in-1
US 1041 (page 1 for PA-41 purposes now displays
2011 date)
02/13/2012: 6-in-1
Transact: eliminated message that was
appearing first time after upgrade
02/10/2012: 6-in-1
US 1041 (including e-file); 709; state fiduciary
income tax returns (all FINAL)
01/07/2012: 6-in-1
US 8939 (2010) - further refinements
01/07/2012: 6-in-1
US 709 (2011) - further refinements
12/29/2011: 6-in-1
US 8939 (2010) - import during upgrade; rounding
12/26/2011: 6-in-1
US 8939 (2010) - # of units allocated to
beneficiaries now rounded to four (4) decimals
12/22/2011: 6-in-1
US 709 (2011) - based on IRS final
version (released on 12/19/2011)
12/22/2011: 6-in-1
US 8939 (2010) - further refinements
11/30/2011: 6-in-1
US 8939 (2010) - further refinements, based on
three GoToTraining sessions held on 11/28 and 11/29/2011
11/26/2011: 6-in-1
US 8939 (2010) - added multiple options for
allocating basis on asset and beneficiary levels
11/26/2011: 6-in-1
PA Petition for Grant of Letters (RW-02) - minor
changes (including Dauphin County decree section)
11/08/2011: 6-in-1
US 8939 (2010)
11/08/2011: 6-in-1
PA Petition for Grant of Letters (RW-02) released
by PA Supreme Court on 10/11/2011
09/23/2011: 6-in-1
US 706 (2011)
09/05/2011: 6-in-1
US 706 (2010)
07/15/2011: 6-in-1
US 1041 e-file (2010) (refinement)
07/12/2011: 6-in-1
CT-706/709 (2011): DecoupleCruncher
calculations adjusted for 2011 CT tax table.
07/12/2011: 6-in-1
Tax Allocation screen, Sched F (top), now defaults to 4.5% rate if no spouse.
06/30/2011: 6-in-1
US 706 draft (2010)
06/30/2011: 6-in-1
CT-706 NT (2011)
06/30/2011: 6-in-1
CT-706/709 (2011)
06/30/2011: 6-in-1 Update IN IH-14 (2011)
06/30/2011: 6-in-1
NJ IT-R & IT-Estate (2011)
2011 Federal Forms
US 706: | Final released by IRS (09/20/2011). Applicable primarily to estates of > $5m; for decedents dying in 2011 or 2012, could be applicable to estates of any size in order to preserve the unused portion of decedent's $5m exclusion for a surviving spouse. Applicable exclusion for 2012 set at $5,120,000. Approved | |
US 709: | Approved | |
US 1041: | 1-2, I, D, K-1, C, E, F, J, 1116, 4562, 4797, 6252, 8582 Approved | |
US 1041 e-file: | 1-2, I, D, K-1, C, E, F, J, 1116, 4562, 4797, 6252, 8582 Approved | |
US 1041: | 1041-ES, 5227 Approved | |
US 1041 Instr: | Schedule I (final). Released ( 02/14/2012) | |
US 8453-F: |
U.S. Estate or Trust Income Tax Declaration and Signature for Electronic Filing Approved |
US 8879-F: | IRS e-file Signature Authorization for Form 1041 Approved | |
US Misc: | 2848 Approved | |
US 56: | 10/12/2011 (Draft) |
2011 State Fiduciary Income Tax Forms
CT-1041: | Approved | |
DE 400: | Approved | |
IL-1041: | Approved | |
IN IT-41: | Approved | |
MA Form 2: | Approved | |
NC 407: | D407, D407-TC, D410P, and NC K1 Approved | |
NJ-1041: | NJ-1041, A-F, G, NJK-1, NJ-1041-V, NJ-630, NJ 1040-ES Approved | |
NY-205: | Approved | |
OH-1041: | Approved | |
PA-41: | Pg 1-2, A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G-L, G-S, J, OC, Estimated, Voucher, 276/Ext, RK-1, NRK-1 Approved | |
VA 770: | Approved | |
WI Form 2: | Approved |
Status of 1041, 709, and State Fids for 2010
06/30/2011: 6-in-1
US 1041 e-file (2010) (refinements)
06/30/2011: 6-in-1
DecoupleCruncher: US, CT, DE, HI, IL, NC,
06/30/2011: 6-in-1
DE Accounting form (2011)
06/30/2011: 6-in-1
NC Probate Forms (various)
06/30/2011: 6-in-1
WI Inventory and Accounting forms (2010)
04/20/2011: 6-in-1
US 1041 e-file updated
04/17/2011: 6-in-1
US 1041 e-file updated
04/14/2011: 6-in-1
US 1041 e-file updated
04/13/2011: 6-in-1
US 1041 e-file updated
04/12/2011: 6-in-1
US 1041 e-file included (1041, C, D, E, F, I,
K-1, 1116, 4562, 4797, 6252, 8582)
04/08/2011: 6-in-1
US 1041 (Forms 1041-V, 7004, 8948, 8879-F:
can now click one button to print for all estates/trusts)
04/08/2011: 6-in-1
US 709 (now allows pre-2010 gifts to be entered on
Schedule B at the higher credit amounts)
IRS release
US 709
(Instructions). Final version with new Worksheet developed during
the past 2 weeks.
IRS projected release date US 709
(Instructions). Original instructions posted on 3/15/2011, then withdrawn
by the IRS
for further development of the Worksheet for Schedule B, Column C.
IRS release status
US 709 (Form)
IRS release status
US 709: filing deadline (4/18/2011) will *not* be extended. Can file Form
8892 for extension.
03/06/2011: IRS release
US 709 pre-release draft dated 3/2/2011 circulated to developers. Final to
follow quickly.
03/04/2011: Release date
for Form 706 The IRS just announced a
706 release date of no later than 03/14/2011.
03/04/2011: Release date
for Form 709 The IRS just announced a
709 release date of no later than 03/14/2011.
03/04/2011: Approval
status updated NJ
03/01/2011: Approval
status updated NJ
02/18/2011: IRS release
US 5227
02/17/2011: Approval
status updated CT,
02/17/2011: IRS release
US 8939 (see "2010 Federal Forms" below for important
02/15/2011: Approval
status updated US
1041-ES; MA
02/10/2011: Approval
status updated CT,
02/09/2011: Approval
status updated NC
02/01/2011: Approval
status updated IL,
01/31/2011: Approval status
updated NJ, NY
01/31/2011: Approval status
updated OH
01/27/2011: Approval status updated
01/26/2011: Approval status
updated CT,
01/21/2011: IRS release status
US 1041 Schedule I and
instructions released
01/20/2011: IRS release status
US 5227 due for IRS
release in early February
01/19/2011: IRS release status
US 1041 Schedule D
instructions released
IRS due date update
US 8939 due date will be extended at least until 10/17/2011 (by special
Treasury Guidance).
01/18/2011: IRS release status
US 709 not due for
release until February or even March. Due date to be extended by the
01/18/2011: IRS release status
US 1041, Schedule I due
for release by the end of January
01/18/2011: IRS release status
US 1041
and Schedules D, D-1, J, K-1 all released in final within the past 11 days
01/07/2011: Approval status
updated US 8453-F
01/07/2011: Approval status updated US 1041 and related forms
01/04/2011: Testing status updated US e-file
01/04/2011: Form status updated NC
12/29/2010: Form status updated WI
12/29/2010: Form status updated US 8453-F, 8879-F
12/28/2010: Form status updated CT, NY, VA
12/21/2010: Form status updated
12/20/2010: Approval status updated
Schedule C
Update available with
revised PA Petition for Probate (6-in-1 and PA InheriTax). Required
starting on 12/26/2010.
12/14/2010: Final release status updated NC
12/06/2010: PA Petition for Probate
updated to reflect new language regarding pending divorce proceedings (Section
12/06/2010: Final release status updated IL, WI
12/06/2010: Draft release status updated US 5227
12/06/2010: Approval status updated US 709
11/24/2010: Draft release status updated US 709
11/24/2010: Final release status updated OH
11/24/2010: Draft release status updated NC
11/24/2010: Approval status updated
11/19/2010: Draft release status updated
11/04/2010: Final release status updated MA
10/24/2010: Final release status updated IN
2010 Federal Forms
US 706: | Final released by IRS (09/03/2011). Due date: not before 09/19/2011 (first business day following the date that is nine months after the new tax bill was signed on December 17, 2010). Per Notice 2011-76, automatic extension to file and pay can be requested on/before 09/19/2011, with ultimate filing/payment due on 03/19/2012. Interest on late-paid tax will still apply. | |
US 8939: | Final
released by IRS (10/06/2011). Carryover Basis
for 2010: applicable only to
estates of > $5m. Due date: 01/17/2012. See Notices 2011-66 & 2011-76 & Rev. Proc 2011-41. |
US 709: | Approved (final Form released on 3/15/2011; final Instructions released on March 30). We learned on 03/07/2011 that the IRS will *not* be extending the 4/18/2011 deadline for filing the 709, despite the late release of a final 709. Preparers do have the option (as usual) to file Form 8892 for an automatic extension of time to file. | |
US 1041: | 1-2, I, D, K-1, C, E, F, J, 1116, 4562, 4797, 6252, 8582 Approved | |
US 1041 e-file: | 1-2, I, D, K-1, C, E, F, J, 1116, 4562, 4797, 6252, 8582 Approved | |
US 8453-F: |
U.S. Estate or Trust Income Tax Declaration and Signature for Electronic Filing Approved |
US 8879-F: | IRS e-file Signature Authorization for Form 1041: Final released by IRS on 12/22/2010 | |
US Misc: | 2848, 5495, 8821, 8822, 8892 Unchanged | |
US 1041-ES: | Final released by IRS (02/10/2011) Approved | |
US 5227: | Final released by IRS (02/17/2011) Approved | |
US 56: | IRS Draft 10/12/2011; final not yet released | |
US SS-4: | January 2010 Unchanged |
2010 State Fiduciary Income Tax Forms
CT-1041: | Approved | |
DE 400: | Unchanged from prior year | |
IL-1041: | Approved | |
IN IT-41: | Approved | |
MA Form 2: | Approved | |
NC 407: | D407, D407-TC, D410P, and NC K1 Approved | |
NJ-1041: | NJ-1041, A-F, G, NJK-1, NJ-1041-V, NJ-630, NJ 1040-ES Approved | |
NY-205: | Approved | |
OH-1041: | Approved | |
PA-41: | Pg 1-2, 276/Ext, RK-1, NRK-1, A/B, C, DD/D, E, Estimated, Voucher Approved | |
PA-41: | E, F, GS, GL, OC Approved | |
VA 770: | Approved | |
WI Form 2: | Approved |
Status of 1041, 709, and State Fids for 2009
10/20/2010: Leimberg Newsletter publishes article on "State Estate Taxes in 2010" (Don Kelley and Vince Lackner).
Please send feedback to
10/20/2010: New
website to be released. Please check back!
06/26/2010: PA I-Tax update posted on website (pa2010-177).
Includes January 2010 version of the PA-1500 (released by
the PA Department on 4/16/2010, with I-Tax
approval received on 6/22/2010). This version required for all returns
filed on or after 07/01/2010.
06/26/2010: 6-in-1 update posted on website (2010-177-v10 Standalone, 2010-177-v10-Server Network).
Contains corrections for (1) checkboxes on PA-1500 Discount Calc screen and (2) PA Tax Allocation recalcs.
06/25/2010: 6-in-1 update posted on website (2010-176-v10 Standalone, 2010-176-v10-Server Network).
Includes January 2010 version of the PA-1500 (released by
the PA Department on 4/16/2010, with 6-in-1
approval received on 6/22/2010). This version required for all returns
filed on or after 07/01/2010.
04/05/2010: 6-in-1 update posted on website (2010-095-v10 Standalone, 2010-095-v10-Server Network).
Resolves minor navigation issue in 709 Gift Tax Details (to toggle between Donor
and Spouse).
Provides additional level of control over sort order on 1041 Statements (on 1041
screen in Transact file).
04/02/2010: 6-in-1 update posted on website (2010-092-v10
Standalone, 2010-092-v10-Server Network).
Includes various refinements to a number of tax returns, inventories, and
Includes draft 1041 for 2010.
03/08/2010: 6-in-1 update posted on website (2010-067-v10 Standalone, 2010-067-v10-Server Network).
03/04/2010: Resolves bank balance issue (Server version) on Balance on Hand schedules of Accounting.
6-in-1 update posted on website (2010-063-v10 Standalone, 2010-063-v10-Server
Revised Installation Guides posted on website
(Same-Server and Two-Server Installations).
03/02/2010: If you are using the CT, MA, or NJ
versions, you should download 2010-061.
If you are using other state versions and previously downloaded v10, you do not
need to download 2010-061 at this time.
6-in-1 update posted on website (2010-061-v10 Standalone, 2010-061-v10-Server
03/01/2010: Revised Installation Guides posted on website
(Same-Server and Two-Server Installations).
02/26/2010: Revised Installation Guides posted on
website (Same-Server and Two-Server Installations).
02/25/2010: FileMaker 10 CD Transmittal letters posted on website. Simplified overview of installation and conversion process.
Note: to minimize 6-in-1. press Windows-D.
That is, hold down the Windows key (between Ctrl and Alt), and press
6-in-1 v10 (Network version) and draft Installation Guide posted on website.
02/23/2010: Final batch of FileMaker CD's shipped.
Expect delivery on 2/24 or 2/25.
02/22/2010: 6-in-1 v10 (Standalone version) posted on website.
Approval Status updated (SS-4)
02/21/2010: 6-in-1 v10 (Network version) and Installation Guide to be posted
on 2/24. E-mail to follow.
6-in-1 v10 (Standalone version) and
Installation Guide to be posted on 2/22. E-mail to follow.
02/19/2010: Initial batch of FileMaker 10 CD's shipped
on 2/18.
02/18/2010: FileMaker 10 CD's being shipped to 6-in-1
customers. 6-in-1 V10 being prepared for posting on the web.
02/17/2010: 6-in-1 V10 successfully installed with
three (3) additional pre-release users. Average install/V6 conversion
time: 40 minutes.
02/12/2010: 6-in-1 V10 entering final days of testing with six (6)
pre-release users. Look for download instructions on or about 02/15/2010.
02/04/2010: Approval Status updated (WI)
02/03/2010: Approval Status updated (IL)
02/02/2010: Approval Status updated (CT-706/709, Ext,
CT-706 NT)
02/01/2010: Approval Status updated (IN)
01/30/2010: Approval Status updated (709, 1041, Misc,
SS-4, CT, PA)
01/23/2010: Approval Status updated (NJ, NY, OH)
01/19/2010: Approval Status updated (CT, DE, MA, NC, VA)
11/05/2009: Minor Update (NJ Inher. Tax, Schedule B(1), Bank
Accounts/Brokerage Accounts further refined).
Update (706, Line 3b, State Death Tax Deduction Override).
11/02/2009: Release of US 706 for 2009
2009 Federal Forms
US 706: | 706, 4768 Approved | |
US 709: | 709 Approved | |
US 1041: | 1-2, I, D, K-1, C, E, F, J, 1116, 4562, 4797, 6252, 7004 Approved | |
US Misc: | 2848, 5495, 8821, 8822, 8892 Unchanged | |
US Misc: | 1041-ES Approved | |
US Misc: | 5227, 8582 Approved | |
US 56: | IRS Official Release Date: 12/15/2010 | |
US 1041-A: | IRS Official Release Date: 12/15/2010 | |
US SS-4: | January 2010 Approved |
2009 State Fiduciary Income Tax Forms
CT-1041: | Page 1, A, B, FA, I, Estimated, Extension Approved | |
DE 400: | Pages 1-2, K-1 Approved | |
IL-1041: | Pages 1-2, K-1-T Approved | |
IN IT-41: | Pages 1-2 Approved | |
MA Form 2: | Pages 1-3, B/R, B, D, E-F, H, IDD, 2K-1 Approved | |
NC 407: | Pages 1-2, TC, 410P (Extension), K-1 Approved | |
NJ-1041: | Pages 1-3, 1041-V, 1040-ES, 630 (Extension), K-1 Approved | |
NY-205: | Pages 1-2 Approved | |
OH-1041: | Pages 1-3 Approved | |
PA-41: | Pg 1-2, 276/Ext, RK-1, NRK-1, A/B, DD/D, CF, E, GS, GL, Estimated, Voucher Approved | |
PA-41: | Macintosh Version | |
VA 770: | Pages 1-2, K-1 Approved | |
WI Form 2: | Page 1-3, WD, CC, CR, 2K-1 Approved |
PA Inheritance Tax Return, Scannable Form (Pages 1-2) Now available
PA Register of Wills Forms (as issued by the PA Supreme Court on 10/16/2006)
PA Estate and Trust Accountings (as issued by the PA Supreme Court on 03/29/2007)
CT-706/709, Ext (2009) Approved
CT-706 NT (2009) Approved
MD MET-1 (2009) Approved